Do You Ever Think?
A reflection on the state of our world, the systems that oppress us, and the awakening that refuses to be silenced.
Do you ever think about how you feel after every meal? I mean really feel? Not just full, not just fed—but the weight in your bones, the fog in your head. That deep, dragging itis, the kind we laugh off— But have you ever stopped to wonder why?
I used to devour a box of Fruit Roll-ups in minutes and would suddenly become wired, spinning thoughts like a web I couldn’t untangle. Didn't know until I got diagnosed with ADHD that sugar wasn't the only problem. It’s in our cereals, injected into our meats, laced within the DNA of our fruits. Mad with mania, chemicals pulsing through my veins like a science experiment gone wrong. And they just started banning food dyes? Like the rest of the world didn’t figure that out decades ago? Like we aren’t the test subjects of a country that feeds us poison and calls it breakfast?
Do you ever think about how many kids grew up the same way? Pumped full of artificial colors and chemicals, labeled as disruptive, difficult, delayed. Told to sit still, focus, conform— when their bodies were never built for this manufactured reality?
Do you ever think about the cost of living? Not just in dollars, but in dignity. Not just food, healthcare, housing, and education, but the price of simply existing in a body that doesn’t fit the accepted mold? How much more do we have to pay for being different, for needing more, for refusing or being unable to shrink into a smaller box?
Do you ever think about how survival feels like punishment, how they tell us to work until our bones break, until our minds dull, until our souls wither, for the reward of life later? Later isn’t even promised. But that doesn’t matter when the wealthy demand more wealth now. We are told to shake it off, to clock back in, to keep the machine running—for them, never for us.
Do you ever think about how we are conditioned to comply? To accept that joy comes with a price tag, that rest is a privilege, not a right, that our worth is measured in productivity, and that we become disposable the moment we realize we deserve—no, demand more?
They say "let them"—so let’s. Let them show us exactly who they are. Let them prove, time and time again, that we are seen as nothing more than numbers on a ledger, our existence weighed against profit margins. Let them reveal their greed, their apathy, their devotion to wealth over the well-being of the people they claim to serve.
Ignorance is bliss until it’s the only thing keeping you from seeing the truth you fear accepting. And we— we are living history in real-time, the ink still wet on the pages of a future textbook for our children to read.
What will it say about you? About what you stood for, what you fought for?
Do you ever think about how the movies we love aren’t just entertainment? I watched Interstellar the other night, and it hit me— that wasn’t fiction. That was prophecy. We’ve scorched the earth, drained its life, stripped it bare—and still, we call it progress. Because at least there’s more oil to burn, more diamonds to hoard! The air is thick with consequence, the soil rejecting our touch. And when the world crumbles as it’s always been fated to, where will the rich run? To Mars? To bunkers? To the top of towers built from our broken backs?
Do you ever think about what we fear? Why we cower at the unknown, at the undefended, at the unexplainable? Why we diagnose, sedate, and confine the minds that stretch past the limits we accepted for ourselves? The fear is biological, instinctual—but we are no longer cavemen trembling at the edge of an untamed world. Now, we cower beneath a world that claims to be advanced, yet demands our submission all the same.
I wrote this piece to release the thoughts and feelings swirling in my mind. I can’t help but wonder—why aren’t more people upset? Why aren’t we angrier, more ready to tear it all down and start anew when everything is so obviously falling apart? I wasn’t going to share this, but then I watched this video:
Neurodivergence isn’t a disease—it’s an allergic reaction. To capitalism, to control, to a system that was never built for all its people. We are not the problem. We are the solution. We are the immune response to a virus dressed as a government. And mother nature is fighting back, birthing generation after generation of souls that refuse to conform. Aware, awake, and unwilling to suffer for a system designed to break us.
Do you ever think about why some rules never made sense to you? Why the thought of forcing yourself to endure an unfulfilling job just to survive feels like a betrayal of your very essence? Why your body would not let you stay? You are not lazy. You are not weak. You are simply aware and attuned. And in a world built on compliance, awareness is rebellion.

Do you ever think about revolution? How every era of oppression has been met with fire, with voices too loud to ignore, with hands too strong to hold down? We have done this before, and we will do it again. The false kings will rise, and they will fall. And when the seams of their empire unravel, when the truth is too heavy to bury, when the people remember their power, change will come.
It always does.
So tell me… what is it that you think about?