Astrology Corner: Lessons From The Leo Full Moon
On the power of self-compassion and authenticity.
How’s everyone feeling after yesterday’s Leo Full Moon? 🌕♌️

We’re still in the potent three-day post-Full Moon period, so if you’re still processing emotions, insights, or sudden shifts—trust that you’re not alone.
This lunation was no joke!
With the Moon illuminating my first house of identity, I felt its energy pushing me into a deeper embodiment of my most authentic self. But this wasn’t just about self-discovery—it also stirred up some unexpected tension, thanks to Uranus (sudden change) creating a T-square configuration with the Moon, Sun, and Mercury, adding an element of unpredictability to emotions, communication, and personal breakthroughs.
The shifts felt sudden, almost jarring at times, but overnight, the lesson became clear: to embrace change without resistance, I have to meet myself with compassion.
More and more, I’m being called to drop the performance, release the people-pleasing, and stand firmly in my truth. And while that has aligned me with the right people, strengthened my mindset, and reignited my motivation, it hasn’t been easy. Growth requires growing pains, and the discomfort often makes us want to cling to what’s familiar—even when it no longer serves us.
But under this Leo Full Moon, self-compassion isn’t just a gentle suggestion—it’s a necessary tool for transformation.
It’s easy to be hard on ourselves, to push through discomfort without softness, but what if the missing ingredient to achieving our biggest dreams and manifestations isn’t just discipline?
Here’s the thing: you can’t step into your highest self while constantly battling yourself. Without compassion for ourselves and for others, we risk mistaking self-discipline for self-punishment, or “tough love” for unnecessary hardship.
This lunation has shown me that being kind to myself isn’t just about making myself feel good—it’s about creating the inner safety to trust my intuition even when I’m unsure and creating a life that nourishes me, despite how that looks to others. It’s how I break free from the lingering cycles of self-sabotage rooted in people-pleasing and finally move forward with clarity and confidence.
Astrology and self-compassion—how do those two go together, Jordan?
Well, let me take you inside my brain for a moment, where everything connects in ways that might just shift your perspective. Let’s start with Leo.

Leo governs the heart—both physically and energetically—and is deeply connected to the ego. Not in the arrogant sense (though that’s the stereotype or a sign of an unbalanced Leo), but in how we define ourselves, take up space, and express our truth.
The heart is where courage, love, and self-acceptance reside, but it’s also where we hold onto fears of rejection, unworthiness, and external validation. This Full Moon, shining bright in Leo, wasn’t just about confidence and creativity—it was about releasing restrictive tendencies and stepping fully into our power. Are we leading with love or fear? Are we embracing who we are without conditions? Or are we still withholding compassion from ourselves, waiting until we feel worthy enough to receive it?
And the cosmic energy surrounding this lunation only deepened these themes:
✨ Pluto sextile Venus encouraged us to transform our relationships—not just with others, but with ourselves. It revealed who’s truly in our corner and where we need to set stronger boundaries.
✨ Jupiter trine Mars gave us the confidence and motivation to take bold action, but self-compassion is what ensures those actions are sustainable, not just fueled by pressure or perfectionism.
✨ Uranus squaring the Moon, Mercury, and Sun shook up our emotions, identity, and communication, pushing us toward breakthroughs that may have felt uncomfortable but were ultimately liberating.
So if you’ve been feeling a mix of empowerment and discomfort, clarity and chaos, know that you’re right on track! Self-compassion is what allows us to integrate these lessons rather than resist them. And that’s exactly what I wanted to provide examples of today.
Apologies in advance—my Leo Mercury is in the driver’s seat for the rest of this post. I’ll be talking a lot about myself, but only with the hope of inspiring my tribe to step into the lives they truly want, even when it feels challenging. This is my testimony if you must.
Lately, I’ve felt a deep, almost primal urge to reclaim my power—and I think I know why. It’s like the universe has been nudging me constantly, asking, “Where in your life are you being called to embrace your fullest self without apology?” “What decisions are you avoiding out of fear they might be the wrong ones?” “Where can you take risks on your intuition instead of waiting for clarity?”
Along with the astrology we’re all collectively experiencing, I’m also currently going through a Mars and a Lilith return, which is amplifying this theme in my life.
Mars is drive, action, and passion; Lilith is rebellion, deep-seated wounds, and raw, unapologetic self-expression. Together, they’re teaching me to move with intention, honor my emotions (even the messy ones), and unlearn any guilt around putting myself first. The exact energy I needed to successfully push through the Full Moon.
For over a week, I couldn’t shake this nagging feeling—an intuitive knowing—that someone in my life was still not supposed to be there. And until I created distance between us, I wouldn’t be able to fully move forward or receive the manifestations that I’ve been calling in.
Weird, right? At first, I dismissed it as paranoia, just old wounds resurfacing—maybe anxiety from past failed friendships creeping in to throw me off. But instead of gaslighting myself, I chose to see this as an opportunity to offer myself compassion and dive deeper into why I was feeling this way.
This wasn’t my first rodeo. I’ve ignored my intuition many times before, only to realize later that I had been right all along.
People aren’t always self-aware. So maybe this person wasn’t intentionally being dishonest with me (or at least, I’d like to believe that). But either way, we’re no longer aligned.
And that’s the tricky part—no longer aligned means at some point, we were. This is probably why my instinct was to hold on, out of comfort, out of the joy they once brought into my life. What if I released them and regretted it? Well, I kept pulling tarot cards on this—over and over and over again—and the answer is… I won’t regret it.
These thoughts ran circles in my head for days, leaving me anxious, irritable, and unable to relax until I made a final decision.
It reminded me of the time I was in the worst physical state I had ever been in. I remember seeing back rolls for the first time and convincing myself it was a good thing—Look at me, finally putting on some weight! But in reality, I was just at my unhealthiest. I was unhappy in my relationship at the time, numbing myself with constant gardening ( TikTok lingo—if you know, you know), eating loads of sugar, and completely neglecting any type of activity or movement. I thought I was practicing self-compassion, but really, I was drowning in depression and avoidance.

When I finally snapped out of it, I swung to the opposite extreme—strict discipline, no indulgence. I overworked myself at the gym with little rest, pushed through miserable jobs, and spent money only on bills, no longer wanting to “splurge” on myself.
I sometimes struggle with these mindsets, often falling into black-and-white or all-or-nothing thinking.
It’s the same reason I pressured myself to go back to Amazon last year. I wanted "stability," even though I knew it was too much for me physically. I told myself, This will bring in money so I can focus on my passions. But in reality, I was making money while losing the energy to do what I truly cared about. Divine protection and redirection showed up as I felt so sick on my first day of training that I could barely eat—and that sickness lingered until the day I quit. Spirit made sure to make it clear that I made a misaligned choice.
Similar thoughts came up about my last job—I thought, Finally! I’m working from home, making consistent money, and still having the energy to write and do tarot. WRONG. I was underpaid, my boss didn’t even pay me for my last two weeks (clearly not someone I was meant to align with), and despite it all, I had no energy left for what I truly wanted. I was writing more for her than for myself, and around that time, I strayed from my bi-weekly posting schedule because the creative flow just wasn’t there. Every ounce of me was once again poured into what I thought I should be doing to get where I wanted to be.
Looking back, my reasons have been solid: to be healthier, more stable, more authentic, more aligned. But my methods were often flawed. It was time to truly break the cycle and get that show off the road. This Leo Full Moon was all about the final purge.
So what does self-compassion look like for me now?
I still have work to do, but my perspective is shifting in a way that finally feels right.
Self-compassion for my body looks like walking outside instead of driving myself to the gym. It looks like investing in Pilates or yoga classes in the future—something that aligns with my Vata dosha (an Ayurvedic mind/body type—let me know if you want me to write more about that!).
As a Vata-dominant dosha, I naturally move, think, and talk fast, so I need stillness and slowness to stay balanced.
Syncing my activity and diet with my hormones has also helped me transform my emotional and physical health, helping me stay in tune with my ever-changing needs—unlike the rigid 24-hour cycle men experience. Although I stay stuck to my comfort foods, I do try to add in the proper nutrients I need when I can and it helps immensely with my cravings and PMS.
Physically, I’m only about five pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest, but my face is slimmer, and more chiseled (thanks to the drop in cortisol), my energy is up, and my body just feels better.
I recently came across a TikToker, Liza, who lost 120 pounds while still eating all the same foods by following her mantra: "Eat what you want, add what you need."
That, to me, is true self-compassion.
I even sat with my tarot deck, asking the universe what it was trying to show me about my gardening habit. I kept quitting and starting again, convinced that had to be the direction I was meant to take. But every time I did, the universe threw it back in my face—through conversations with friends or even content that popped up on my feed—all carrying the same message:
You know what being out of control looks like, and this isn’t it. This isn’t about perfection—it’s about intention.
Everyone has a thing—a vice, a comfort. I just have to make sure mine is for enjoyment, not escapism.
Self-compassion for my habits means not shaming myself for the things I enjoy. Yes, I still garden here and there. Yes, I still eat all the carbs I want. It’s about balance.
And when it came to the full moon pushing me to release someone, I had to give myself the compassion to trust my intuition. I didn’t need proof even if I would’ve felt more comfortable making the decision having it. Every time I’ve waited for proof, I’ve only ended up deeper in unhealthy dynamics.
I made the mental decision to release them and then the tension headache I had for the past week ✨disappeared✨. I felt peace for the first time in a few weeks instead of restlessness. I fell asleep before 11—without gardening. I woke up at 6 AM feeling rested and inspired. I completed an hour-long gratitude meditation, a yoga flow, and then sat down to write this.
Even further, I’m giving myself compassion in my career choices. I’m done chasing stable jobs that drain me. I know I’m meant to be writing. I know I’m meant to be doing tarot. God takes away everything else I try to do. And for a while, I thought that meant I just wasn’t capable of doing what other people could. But that’s not it. It’s about alignment. It’s about God’s direction, God’s should.
I should be focusing on this. Every psychic reading I’ve had in the past few years has told me that. Writing is how I will make my money. Spreading awareness is how I will find stability. And yes—I've even been told that when I fully accept and embrace this, I’ll find love too.
So maybe it looks crazy. I don’t have a car. I’m living with my mom. My income comes from a few tarot readings that get booked, DoorDashing, and the $500 yearly income I get from this blog (so far). But for whatever reason, I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. God keeps forcing me to be still for a reason, and I think I’m about to find out why.
Isn’t that what faith is about?
When I read the Bible, I feel like one of the apostles. God is leading me, and I have to listen, even when it doesn’t make sense. This is why I believe in miracles.
I’m not waiting to be rescued. I’m waiting to be aligned.
Now, let me ask you:
✨ Where can you show yourself more self-compassion—today, this week, this year?
✨ Is God or the universe nudging you toward an aligned action that feels scary?
✨ Are you willing to trust it, even if it doesn’t yet make sense?
Let’s talk about it💛
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Thank you for being here💛